Graceful Fight

Navigating faithfully though life with a chronic autoimmune disorder...the journey to true healing.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Crowd it out!

Can Have vs. Can't Have
As a Nutirionist, I have a pretty good idea about what motivates people to stick with a meal plan. It was obvious pretty early on in my career, that people do not like to hear about what they CANNOT do or have. They didn't want to hear "do not eat not eat processed not drink soda...". People respond much more positively when it's about what they CAN do and have. For example, I had a client that really loved his diet coke. He would drink several per day and it was a big roadblock on his journey to health. He didn't want anyone to tell him that soda was a poison best avoided!  I didn't even mention the soda in our session - Instead I talked about the drinks he needed each day: water, lemon water, vegetable juice, smoothie, green tea.  He was encouraged to drink a certain quantity of each and by the time he drank everything on the list, he didn't have a chance (or room in his belly!) to grab a soda. In our follow up session, I reviewed his food logs and found that he only had two sodas the entire 2 weeks, compared to the 4 per day prior to our session. When I brought up the subject of his soda habit, he shared that he was always thinking about it and craving it, until those two weeks. He was thrilled to switch his thought process and think about what he could have.

How does this apply to Chronic Illness?
That's not much different than what I apply when it comes to the illness I'm dealing with. The first few years were filled with many terrible emotions, heartache and fear. Sadly, that is what I focused on in the early days. When I came to know the Lord and my faith strengthened, I began to spend more time on positive things. I was crowding out the bad without even realizing it! 

For me, developing a closer relationship to the Lord and going to church, studying the Bible and working in ministry really built a nice toolkit for me to be able see beyond my physical illness, to find purpose - God's purpose for me.  When the appointments, tests, symptoms, hospital stays come and the fear of what's around the corner begins to take hold, I quickly crowd it out...with Jesus! It brings a peace that I never knew could exist.

If you are on a diet, would you leave cookies on the table? That probably wouldn't be in your best interest!  If googling your symptoms or spending too much time thinking about your health issues (or any other difficulty in your life)  makes you spin downhill, crowd it out! If you tell yourself you *can't* google your symptoms, it may just be on your mind more. But, what if each time you want to find those answers on the internet, you choose to search Bible Verses on hope and healing and God's love for YOU instead? What if you find yourself having quiet time and your thoughts go the wrong direction? You may know it's not good for you, so not only are you spinning downward in your thoughts, but you may even begin to feel guilty that you've allowed it (just like eating that cookie sometimes!). Next time, don't tell yourself you can't think about those things...just crowd it out! Fill that time with something else in line with being more positive. Pick up your Bible, work on a devotional, call a trusted friend and meet for coffee, etc. 

Many of the people that follow this Blog have chronic health issues like I do. I challenge you to look at your situation. What is going well? What isn't going well? Sure, our bodies are going to give us trouble to varying degrees, and sometimes very serious, but we are SO much more than our bodies. God has a plan for each and every one of us and we don't need to wait to be healed to discover it. Often huge spiritual growth takes place during our trials. 

Where do I Start?
There are many ways to start, but I suggest starting everything with prayer. Spend some quiet time with Lord, asking Him to show you what you need and for the strength and discipline to do so. 

Some of the ways I've been able to crowd it out with Jesus are:
- I pray and spend quiet time with the Lord often.
- I schedule time that's set aside to study the Bible, read devotionals etc.
- I enjoy fellowship with other Believers who understand my situation and limitations. 
- I started a Facebook Group, where folks suffering with chronic illness who want to rely on God's grace in their journey, can find encouragment and fellowship. 
- I join Twitter "Prayer" and "Praise" chats that are almost like Bible Study and I learn so much and I'm so encouraged by them. I have been recovering at home for the last month so I have been unable to attend my Church or Bible Study - I'm thankful for technology these days! 
- I keep a Gratitude Journal and I use it to write the the blessings God has given me. This especially helps on the harder 

I have experienced the crowding out the illness or suffering with JESUS firsthand and it's been a game changer for me. The illness is still part of my body until
God sees fit for me to be healed, but it's not part of me! 

God does not always take away our suffering, but He will always transform it, transform YOU in it. Look to Jesus in every way, seek Him and you will be healed in the most important way, spiritually. Physical healing just may be next! 



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