Graceful Fight

Navigating faithfully though life with a chronic autoimmune disorder...the journey to true healing.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Scoop on my Stem Cell Treatment and How I REALLY Feel About it...(It's in 4 days - eeek!)

Stem Cell treatments are changing the face of medicine!

This is an area I have thoroughly researched and some of the stories of healing are remarkable!  I am hearing many of the same questions as my procedure date approaches, so I thought I'd answer the common questions. I love talking with y'all so if anyone wants to learn more about anything mentioned here, you can comment on this page or message me privately.

If this is too much medical/technical reading, skip it all...and get to "How I REALLY feel about all of this". :)

What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy is a strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. Many medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to change the face of human disease - it's very exciting research! The ability of stem cells to self-renew offers potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseases and damaged areas in the body. Since your own stem cells are used, there is no chance of rejection. Did you know that stem cells can turn into any tissue they find that is damaged? (Ie - cartilage, muscle, etc)

How Can it Help Autoimmune Disease?
The stem cells harvested from a patient have the potential to replace countless cells of the body. These cells may heal the body in many ways but the goal in autoimmune disease (my situation) is to produce a healthy immune system response by regenerating healthy new cells that modulate the overactive immune system.

What is the Difference Between Stem Cell Therapy and a Stem Cell Transplant?
In an nutshell...
 - The "transplant" involves wiping out the faulty immune system with intensive chemotherapy and receiving donor stem cells, to rebuild a brand new immune system. Many risks with this one!
 - The "therapy" involves no chemotherapy! Liposuction is done to remove your own stem cells, they are harvested, then returned to your body intravenously. Minimal risk with this one!
There is MUCH more detail that I can share on this so please message me if you have interest personally.

How have I been preparing medically? 
I will be receiving Stem Cell Therapy, the more mild one. This includes a 4 week program of a special diet, vitamins, herbs etc based on my bodies specific needs. The day before the procedure I will have ozone therapy which is when pure oxygen is given to me intravenously. This not only lessens the burden on the body by killing the bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, but also oxygenates the tissues and increases circulation. Those valuable little stem cells need to be able to get to the right places to do their job!

What will the procedure be like?
My husband and I will be in San Francisco the day before for another ozone treatment which is similar to dialysis in a medical office. It's great time to chat with others going through the same thing and I really enjoy hearing their stories. We will stay the night in San Francisco (Thank you God, for my amazing parents that are coming to town to keep my little ones happy for the night!), and my procedure us at 9:00am Thursday morning. I will be awake for the procedure  - eeek!  The doctor will numb an area on my body  to do liposuction (Nope, I don't get to choose the area - lol!). Some fatty tissue will be removed, put in a harvesting machine to separate the stem cells and purify them, then they will be re-introduced to my body intravenously. Exciting stuff!  The procedure takes about 5 hours.  The main goal in my situation is for the cells to modulate my overactive immune system. I will need to do this procedure 3 times over the next 9 months.

How do I REALLY feel about all this? 
If I was asked that 6 months ago, I would have been a nervous wreck, feeling like the procedure was "my last hope". What a funny statement that is to me now! My hope is not in this procedure, my hope is in GOD!
He has lead me down a path lately that has given me more joy than being healthy ever did so I see now that I will be OK no matter what happens with the procedure. Sure, I want it to be the solution - of course I do!
I just know God's plans are way better than mine, so I trust the outcome will be what it is suppose to be. That sure takes some pressure off of me and being a worrier/planner/"type-A" personality, I can't even put into words how much that has changed my life. My relationship with God has given me:
 - Strength in my weakest moments
 - Freedom from worries
 - Confidence in my future
 - Comfort in my pain, both physical and emotional
 - A purpose
 - HOPE and so much more!
So, here's how I really feel about it:
 - Hopeful that it will be the answer for my physical healing
 - Thankful that this procedure is available to me and that we raised enough money to pay for the first one.
 - Thankful that I don't have to worry about the procedure, because God has it in His hands, including the outcome
 - Thankful that I can accept the pain and see God in the situation
 - Thankful that God's desires are now my desires
 - Thankful that God is allowing me to use this situation for good and leading me every step of the way!

In summary, I am excited about the procedure and very hopeful about what it can do for my health. I just get to sit back a little now and see what's in store since worrying is not on my plate anymore. :)

I'm looking forward to getting through this process over the next couple of weeks and getting back to living! God has given me a new childlike wonder that I wouldn't trade for anything! Many exciting things are in the works. For starters, we are launching a Christ-Centered Support Group for Women with Chronic Illnesses very soon so if you are in the Bay Area and know someone who can benefit from this, feel free to put them in contact with me! I am very excited that these meetings will be held at my church ( The meetings won't start until a bit later in the year (dates TBD), but if you don't have a church home, come on by and say hi before then!

HOPE is available to everyone, no matter the situation. It's just sitting on your doorstep, waiting for you to reach for it! I know I'm holding onto mine with a very tight grip! :)

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake 
you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  
Deuteronomy 31:8

Thank you for being a part of my journey! Updates about the procedure will be posted here as well as on the FB page. Maybe even a video of some of the procedure so check back next week. Eeeek!

For all you prayer warriors out there, your prayers mean alot to me so thank you!

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